1 | Wheel | Ancient people of | 4th millennium BC | A circular component that is intended to rotate on an axle. The wheel is one of the main components of the wheel and axle which is one of the six simple machines. Wheels are also used for other purposes, such as a ship's wheel, steering wheel and flywheel. | |
2 | Compass | Ancient Chinese | Han Dynasty (2nd century BC to 1st century AD) | A navigational instrument that measures directions in a frame of reference that is stationary relative to the surface of the earth. | |
3 | Camera | Ancient Chinese and Ancient Greeks | 1000 AD | Photographic cameras were a development of the camera obscura, which uses a pinhole or lens to project an image of the scene outside upside-down onto a viewing surface. | |
4 | 1596 | First engineered and invented a valve that could release water from the water closet (WC) when pulled. | |||
5 | Coin-operated Vending Machines | 1880s | The first commercial coin-operated vending machines dispensed post cards. | ||
6 | Stethoscope | 1816 | An acoustic medical device for auscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of lung and heart | ||
7 | Wrist watch | 1851 | It is a small portable clock worn on the wrist that displays the current time and sometimes the current day, date, month and year. | ||
8 | Dynamite | 1867 | The first safely manageable explosive stronger than black powder. | ||
9 | Telephone | 1876 | The “electrical speech machine”, which we now call a telephone, paved the way for the Information Superhighway. | ||
10 | Solar cell | 1883 | A solar cell is any device that directly converts the energy in light into electrical energy through the process of photovoltaics. The development of solar cell technology begins with the 1839 research of French physicist | ||
11 | Automated Teller Machine | 1930 | It is a computerized telecommunications device that provides the clients to financial transactions in a public space without the need for a cashier, human clerk or bank teller. | ||
12 | Microwave Oven | 1947 | Radarange, now called microwave oven, is a kitchen appliance that heats food by dielectric heating. Accomplished with radiation to heat polarized molecules in food. |
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- STS.Group 5
- Margarette Ezra Ducut , Ruth Icban, Ellen Grace Javier, Gladys Lansang, Ana Minelle Laxamana, Frances Liane Sible
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Table of Inventions
Reproductive Health Bill
What is RH Bill about?
The Reproductive Health bills, or popularly known as RH bill, are Philippine Bills aiming to guarantee universal access to methods and information on birth control and maternal care. It is a way of helping people to be more advance, well prepared, and to widen up each and every individuals mind setting about our society now a days.
There is this top agreement about its provisions on maternal and child health care, there is great debate on its proposal that we taxpayer and the private sector will fund and undertake widespread distribution of family planning devices such as birth control pills (BCPs) and IUDs, and as the government continue campaigning to broadcast a good informations and effect on its use through health care centers nationwide.
Everyone has been talking about this RH bills, for some agreed and some don’t. I could say that in some part of each individuals, RH bills may help and it may brings into some point also that it may trigger to do such thing that will ruin someone’s life. But as the saying goes that every ‘lil thing that is too much is not good. So, it depends on how we’re going to take it and treat it as long as we are only motivated to do good and focus only to what could bring us a healthy and happy life then I think it will help.
Source: RH Bill
What we say about RH Bill ?
Margarette Ezra Ducut says...
I am against the RH Bill primarily because it has so many loopholes for me. It would help solve the problem of overpopulation in our country but it opens a lot of opportunities for those who want to abuse it. Easier access to contraceptives means a lot of people can use it whether they are married or not. Teenagers can especially be vulnerable to their curiosity and may commit mistakes. I think the solution for our population problem is teaching people, especially would-be-parents, to be responsible. They should know the consequences of their actions and should plan ahead for their future family.
Also, I think that it wouldn’t be effective in serving its purpose. The people, especially the masses, aren’t capable yet of such policy. Most of them don’t even have prenatal check-ups when they are expecting. This bill will only be useful for short-term change but if we want to completely eradicate our problem in overpopulation, we should target the root cause of the problem and that is irresponsibility.
As of now, I think I am more of a supporter of the RH bill than the other way around. I have the seen the televised national debates by those from the anti and pro-RH bill, and I think that the latter were able to defend their premises well enough. We know that the Philippines is experiencing overpopulation, especially in areas where education is not readily available. The bill wants to give everyone the knowledge about the ways to do family planning, especially the modern ways. This way, families will be able to provide more for the education and the necessities of the children. The bill also wants to protect the welfare of women, in its desire to provide proper care and medical support to pregnant women, which we know is not well provided for every woman in this country. This bill wants to save the life of pregnant women who have a very sensitive pregnancy.
I admit that those stated above are the only parts of the bill that I am well aware of, so I focused only on them and I support them. Everyone has their own opinion on this matter, and I cannot continue stating my opinions if the information I know are not complete so I guess I can stop here. Thank you. :>
I tend to disagree with the Reproductive health bill. Our lives are truly essential to the point that we have to value every single person being born. Passing this bill would not guarantee us, that Philippines would be less populated. In fact, the promotion of contraceptives to the public will just provoke every Filipino to engage in pre marital sex wherein based from the Bible, engaging in such behaviour is morally wrong. Besides according to our present constitution, the “state will equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.” This will be in contrary to what RH bill is proposing given that artificial contraceptives are medically proven to induce abortion as one of their mechanisms of action, then distribution of such family planning supplies are unauthorized. What the government should focus is allotting time, money and attention to other communicable disease more common in the Philippines especially to the marginalized sector which is Tuberculosis.
We have to remember that sex education should start from our home. Parents have the responsibility to educate their children. if the government thinks poverty rooted from overpopulation, look at their own first, corrupt officials are taking away billions of money we can never had imagined.
I am against RH Bill . Under the said bill, age-appropriate reproductive health and sexuality education is required from grade five to fourth year high school. In my opinion, it is the responsibility of parents to teach their children with such things. The bill discourages this parent-child trust relationship. This sex education may just provoke and encourage young teens to dwell on pre-marital sex since contraceptives will also be endorsed by the bill. In line with this, young couples will be also likely to commit pre-marital sex. Pro-RH Bill advocates wanted to teach Filipino people how to have safe sex like having sex is just a normal thing to do. Ok, let’s face it, young couples are already doing this but passing this bill would break the already frail wall that keeps the youth from engaging with sex. No it isn’t, sex is sacred and that is one of the reasons why this bill, in my opinion, should not be passed. Pro-RH bill advocates also that the bill is really anti-abortion, that it would only allow abortion if the life of the mother is at stake. I think that decision, to abort or to save the mother, depends on the decision of the family. But making the abortion available in our country is still threatening. Not to mention that the birth control pills and IUDs are found to be abortifacient to fertilized eggs which already have a life. We claim to be a conservative country but this bill simply contradicts it. For me, it kills some of our most important Filipino values.
The problem is not that our country is overpopulated. In fact, we can use our workforce for the country’s economic growth. The real problem is that there are not enough job offers for our citizens. Our government has limited funds. The budget that would go in implementing RH Bill will be better spent if goes on improving our education, providing jobs, and etc.
I am aware that a lot of people are pro-RH bill and they have the right to be so. Everyone has their own stand in this issue. They say that if you will look closely at the bill, you will see its positive effects to our country. I would like to say the same thing to them. The bill surely has its advantages but its negative aspect exceeds its positive side, at least for me. I could not just simply agree with some of its provisions. Also, if this bill will be implemented, I bet future other bills such as divorce and same sex marriage will soon be proposed. And soon, some of our values may evaporate in exchange of the implementation of these new bills. The conservative Filipino attitude is at stake. thus, I say no to RH Bill .
I’m not one of those people who regularly watch the news and update myself everyday on the current issues being faced by our nation. But I cannot be called indifferent. I have my own opinion on things and knowing what something is all about is enough for me. I do not have to debate with someone over what I think should be done. RH bill stirred most of the Filipinos and I heard different views from people of different walks of life and I just don’t know who’s right because everyone seems to be making a good point.
I personally think that there really is no need for an RH bill. What the Filipinos really need is discipline. People who are in the position to lead and have the means to help the country should be aware that the change should start from them. RH bill and everything it states in it makes a very good sense especially for our country that is yet to progress and develop.
Imposing an RH bill may not be the best solution for our country’s condition. The problem lies not on how many children are born each day. The problem lies with how these children would grow up in a country that offers not enough opportunities for its people with its men not knowing how to take care of the future generations. I am not against RH bill because I think it addresses well the problems of this country nor am I for it because I think there really is no need to impose it cause the problems do not stop once this bill is passed. The bill may be passed or not, but whatever happens, the Filipinos should keep in mind that there is more to it than just talking about contraceptives and sex education.
Economically, I think RH-Bill would be helpful to our country in a way that it could lessen the population. For me, a fewer population in a country means every need of each person can be served. This would be possible if contraceptives will be more available to the masses. Sex/Population will be helpful to students somehow though it could prime them to have sex even outside marriage. The RH-Bill has its own advantages and disadvantages. Economically, I am pro RH-Bill, but morally I am not. Passing this bill may open more negative proposals like abortion which is very immoral in our country. I think we just have to be responsible for everything that we will do. My moral standards are more important than economics. So to sum it all up, I am against the RH Bill . I haven’t read the full content of the bill.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Technical Product Review
Main author: Ruth Icban
Ana Minelle Lacsamana
Ellen Grace C. Javier
RIM BlackBerry™ Pearl 8100
Wireless Handheld (EDGE) v4.2.1.103 (Platform
The first multimedia BlackBerry plays music, takes photos, and still handles e-mail with aplomb. Research In Motion (RIM) throws away its suits and ties with the Pearl, a delicious little multimedia smartphone that—surprise!—just happens to be a BlackBerry.
BlackBerry Pearl 8100 was first release in September 2006. This Research in Motion (RIM) phone introduced by BlackBerry, which requires a back end support from a carrier to be able to enjoy the BB services that it provides. Being connected to a monthly plan allows a BlackBerry owner its internet services such a push emails, messaging, social networking etc. The BlackBerry Pearl 8100 has a semi-qwerty keypad and a trackball that allows you to navigate through its features. It has the classy look of a BlackBerry, as well as the functional characteristics of high-end cellular phones. This version of the BlackBerry is quite obsolete in the market, but newer versions are available with a slightly fresher look, more features and greater functionality than this one.
Dimensions: 107 x 50 x 14.5 mm
Weight: 89.5g
Display Size/Resolution: 240x260 pixels
Total Internal Memory: 64 MB
Total External Memory: microSD (up to 2GB memory storage)
Number of storable messages: as long as there is still free space in the phone memory
OS | BlackBerry OS |
CPU | 32-bit Intel XScale PXA272 312 MHz processor |
Messaging | SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging |
Browser | HTML |
Radio | No |
Games | Yes + downloadable |
Colors | Black, White, Red |
GPS | No |
Java | Yes - Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF) - Media player - SureType keyboard software - Organizer |
For full BlackBerry 8100 specifications and features, click here
Applications | Version |
BlackBerry 4.2 Core Application | 4.2 |
BlackBerry 4.2 Systems Software | 4.2 |
BlackBerry Maps | 1.1.35 |
BlackBerry | |
BlackBerry Messenger | 4.2.1` |
Brick Breaker | 4.2 |
Browser | 4.2 |
4.2 | |
Help | 4.2 |
MemoPad | 4.2 |
Password Keeper | 4.2 |
Phone | 4.2 |
Tasks | 4.2 |
BlackBerry Pearl 8100 Price: P 24,120.00 (Source:
This BlackBerry unit is the latest version of BlackBerry Pearl 8100, which is now a smartphone. I cannot find any price list for RIM BlackBerry Pearl 8100 maybe because it was the oldest version of the unit, and is now not available for purchase. It was a gift from my auntie about 4 or 5 years ago that is why I really have no idea of its price before.
Other reviews of RIM BlackBerry Pearl 8100 on the World Wide Web:
- · By Amanda Rumble, updated December 13, 2010. Click here:
- · By Michael Oryl, updated November 03, 2006. Click here:
- · By Ed Hardy, updated November 15, 2006. Click here:
- · By Sascha Segan, updated September 07, 2006. Click here:,2817,2009810,00.asp
Official BlackBerry website:
Official BlackBerry Pearl website:
For other BlackBerry concerns (forums, reviews), this website may be a great help:
The BlackBerry Pearl 8100 has been very useful for me. It allows me to see the messages I received and sent in just one folder, providing this functionality of not having to change folders to view my conversations with my friends. Easy viewing of one message from one contact shows all the previous exchange of conversations with that person, as long as the messages are not yet deleted.
In addition, if you are connected to a plan, you are allowed to avail of the web browsing, web messaging and social networking features of the phone. This will let you stay connected to your friends and relatives through the World Wide Web, updating your status and sharing your recent activities to your close acquaintances. You can also enjoy a different world of messaging throughout the BlackBerry community using the BlackBerry Messenger, which can only be accessed by BlackBerry owners.
Overall, BlackBerry Pearl 8100 is a good cellular phone if you are a kind of person that likes sharing moments of your life to everyone you know, whether online or through texting and calling. With this product, one can surely stay connected with everybody at the same time chilling out with the pleasure of its basic yet essential features.
Sony NEX-5N,is a superb digital camera. The product being reviewed is owned by one of the group’s brother, a medical doctor in profession who has a passion for photography. Dr. Joman Laxamana, started his serious passion in photography with a Nikon D40, then switched to a Nikon D90, owned a Nikon D700, and now ended up with this more compact and practical digital camera which according to him, is at par with the Nikon D700’s performance and features.
To start with the review, let us first look into its basic features and specifications.
Sony NEX-5N specification highlights
- Touch-screen display
- Electronic First Curtain shutter
- Revised 16.1MP CMOS sensor
- ISO 100-25600
- 10fps continuous shooting mode (at full resolution)
- In-camera CA, vignetting and distortion correction
- Auto ISO limit of 3200 (increased from ISO 1600 in NEX-5)
- Creative Control results-orientated user interface
- Picture Effects processing options
- 1080p 60p HD movies in AVCHD format

Resolution | 14.20 Megapixels |
Kit Lens | 3.00x zoom 18-55mm (27-83mm eq.) |
Viewfinder | LCD |
LCD Size | 3.0 inch |
Dimensions: | 4.4 x 2.4 x 1.6 in. (111 x 60 x 40 mm) |
Weight | 17.7 oz (502 g) includes batteries, kit lens |
This new Sony camera was bought recently this November 2011 with the estimated price of 35 thousand pesos.
Below are the actual images shot with Dr. Laxamana’s camera:
For a more in-depth review with the product, please go to these web pages:
We love the idea of an NEX as an everyday camera with MF lenses. This is very handy and easy to use. Thus we recommend others to buy this product for this has monster full of surprises that makes one enjoy and seize every moment captured by the camera product.
Sony alpha nex5N review
Review by: Dr. Joman Laxamana
(Groupmember’s Brother)
The Good
1. Package
The fairly priced nex5-N comes in a compact box packed with the camera body, flash, flash case,18-55mm kit lens, charger, strap, manual and cd. Mine came with a free official sony bag and 8gig sony memory stick pro duo hd hx. The package is priced fairly and the manuals are comprehensive yet user friendly, a rare treat in today's minimalist ipod age.
2. Form factor
This camera body is tiny. It weighs as much as a bar of soap and is barely the size of an iphone. But it's pocketability is ultimately dependent on the lens attached. From the minuscule 16mm pancake lens to the 18-200mm zoom lens. Bottom line is I can stop worrying about my gear and my neck when I walk, run, climb, crouch, and travel for hours.
3. Build quality
The outer shell is made up of magnesium alloy. It feels solid and is relatively scratch resistant. The tilt screen glides firmly and locks with an assuring click. The capacitive touchscreen is sufficiently responsive though not on par with apple devices. The customizable buttons and click wheel have enough travel and are well spaced. I have abused it naked in the rain and have found no performance hits. The kit lens is metal clad but is prone to denting when compared to other all plastic and metal lenses. All in all it is an elegant and sturdy body.
4. Performance
The camera starts up quick enough and it focuses slightly slower than most big body SLR, however autofocus is a bit hit and miss. Because this is a mirrorless camera, there is virtually no shutter lag and minimal noise. As soon as the shutter is depressed, the picture is taken. This lessens the chance of missing critical action shots. The flash power is adequate but it cannot be swiveled or bounced. Adding a bounce card greatly helps. Continuous shooting comes at an astonishing 10 frames per second.
5. Features
By far the biggest factor that puts this camera in the lead in mirrorless land is its myriad of features. From automatic panorama, HDR, to color isolation this camera is packed! For my purposes I'll outline my 2 favorite features. Firstly, this camera comes with focus peaking which basically highlights in realtine the objects in focus. Not only is this useful in confirming correct focus, it is also a blessing when using the excellent legacy manual focus glass. Lastly the tiltable touchscreen makes shooting at the hip and street photography a breeze.
6. Image quality
This camera comes with a dx sized sensor, the same sensor found in the nikon d7000. The colors are rich and accurate and shallow depth of field and smooth blurring of background is easily attainable. Jpegs out of the 16mp sensor average at 4mb per file and show very little noise up to ISO 3200. All in all the pictures coming out of this camera rival and even surpass the quality of the current crop of the nikon/canon midlevel premiums.
The Bad
It's not all sunshine and rainbows however, this camera has some inadequacies namely the lack of an optical viewfinder, flash hotshoe and phase detect autofocus. Not to mention the scarcity of 1st party sony lenses and accessories conpared to the more established dalr brands. There are excellent workarounds to these but they fall out of the scope of this review.
The Verdict
Although it has its shortcomings, its extremely portable form factor coupled with its class leading sensor makes the nex 5N a high recommendation. So high in fact that I have sold most of the nikon gear and went all out with the Sony nex. I never looked back.
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