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Margarette Ezra Ducut , Ruth Icban, Ellen Grace Javier, Gladys Lansang, Ana Minelle Laxamana, Frances Liane Sible

Friday, November 18, 2011

UPDEPP Flora Survey

Talisay Tree
Terminalia moluccana
A large, deciduous tree, reaching a height of 20-25 meters. The branches are horizontally whorled. Leaves are shiny, obobate, 10-25 cm long, tapering to a narrow and heart-shaped base with a expanded rounded apex. Leaf stalks are short and stout. Flowers are white, small, and borne on 6- 18 cm long spikes in the axils of leaves. Fruit is smooth and ellipsoid, 3-6 cm long, and prominently bi-ridged to the sides. Pericarp is fibrous and fleshy, the endocarp hard.

Guava Tree
Psidium guajava
The guava is a shrub or a general shade tree that often grows naturally in the house gardens in the tropical regions. The guava trees normally grow up to a height of four meters and bears large leaves with conspicuous veins. The leaves grow in pairs and opposite each other on the slender, but firm branches. 
Fern Plants
Epiphytic fern
Fern Plants will grow just about anywhere, if proper care is given. There is a species of fern that can inhabit nearly every condition on the planet. Fern plants add a nice touch to any garden. There are fern plants that are vividly colored and most will survive best in shaded regions.
Santan Plant
Ixora Coccinea
Ornamental plant is an erect and smooth shrub, growing to a height of 2 to 3 meters. Leaves are stalkless or on very short stalks, oblong, 5 to 9 cm long, heart-shaped or round at the base and blunt at the tip. Flowers are many, pink or red, and borne in terminal, stalkless or shortly stalked hairy cymes. Corolla tube is slender, 2.5 cm long; lobes are spreadiing and oblong, about half the length of the tube.
Guyabano Tree
Anona muricata
This green fruit has a lot of prickles, but are not sharp. The peeling is thin, just 2 mm. The fruit is ready to be eaten when the fruit feels soft inside. The ripe fruit has a nice smell which is hard to describe. The fruit is from about 10 cm until 30 cm and can weigh 2 kg’s or more.
Black Bindweed
Fallopia convovulus
This adventive annual vine is up to 3' long. It branches frequently at the base and less often elsewhere. The slender stems are light green to reddish green and hairless. They have the capacity to twine about the stems of adjacent plants and the wire of fences. The alternate leaves are widely spaced along the stems and have long slender petioles. They are up to 2½" long and 1" across, cordate or sagittate, smooth along the margins, and hairless. Their texture is rather thin and delicate. 
Ipil-ipil (Lead) Tree
Leucaena glauca L.
Small plant up to 8 m high; leaves alternate, twice compound, 15-25 cm, base of petiole enlarged; leaflets 9 to 18 pairs, 7 to 12 mm long, linear-oblong, unequilateral; flowering stalks axillary, 3.5 to 5 cm long; flowers in dense globule heads 2 to 3 cm in diameter, white; fruit a pod, strap-shaped, flattened, 12 to 18 cm long, 1 to 2 cm wide, papery, green turning brown and splits open along two edges when mature, several fruits develop from each flower head; seeds obovate, 5 to 8 mm long, 3 to 5 mm wide, shiny, brown.
Weeping Fig
Fycus benjamina
Ficus Tree and often sold in stores as just a "Ficus", is a species of fig tree, native to south and southeast Asia and Australia. It is the official tree of BangkokThailand. It is a topiary tree reaching 30 metres (98 ft) tall in natural conditions, with gracefully drooping branchlets and glossy leaves 6–13 cm (2–5 in) long.
Century plant
Agave missionum
Although the century plant resembles a giant aloe, it is in the agave family, and more related to the cactus than to the aloe.
Cashew nut tree

Anacardium occidentale
A small tree that can grow to 15 m high, often with a crooked trunk. The leaves are spirally arranged. The flowers are small, pale yellow and fragrant. The fruit is a kidney-shaped nut hanging under a yellow, fleshy, and edible receptacle.
Madagascar Periwinkle  
Catharanthus roseus
 Height: 30-60 cm, tends to flop. Produces almost continuous display of five-lobed flowers that are dark pink, pink, white or white with red rings.

Reed Palm 
Chamaedorea seifrizii
An elegant clump-forming palm with cane-like stems, this is an ideal pot plant and houseplant. It has been said to grow quickly to a mature height of 2 m and to seed early

Indian Tree
Polyalthia longifolia
Annonaceae; Small tree that grows to a height of 15 m, with a high and narrow shape. The leaves are up to 30 cm long. The flowers are greenish white and the fruit is ovoid, black and shiny, 2 cm long.
Mimosa pudica Linn.
Makahiya is a diffusely spreading, half-woody herb, with branched stems up to 1 meter long, sparingly prickly with numerous deflexed, bristly hairs. The leaves are very sensitive, both pinnae and leaflets, folding when touched.

Snake Plant
Sansevieria trifasciata
        S. trifasciata yields bowstring hemp, a strong plant fiber once used to make bowstrings. It is used predominantly as an ornamental plant, outdoors in warmer climates, and indoors as a houseplant in cooler climates. It is popular as a houseplant as it is tolerant of low light levels and irregular watering. It will rot easily if overwatered.
Song of Jamaica
Pleomele reflexa
The colour of the leaf itself makes the plant a lovely one. It has the ability to retain all its leaves right from the base to its growing point.It can be kept both in shade as well as in the sun.  The glow of the leaves however tends to fade in shade, where as it stands out in the sun.

Variegated Rubber Tree 
Ficus elastica
A woody upright bush to 8' in height and 5' in width. Ficus elastica, usually called "rubber plant" or "rubber tree," hails from the northeast corner of India, south and east into Malaysia and Indonesia. It really has been used in the production of rubber, despite what some websites will tell you, but natural rubber currently comes from a different plant, Hevea brasiliensis,1 in the Euphorbia family (Euphorbiaceae). 

 Yucca brevifolia 
It is tree-like in habit, which is reflected in its common names: Joshua treeYucca palmTree yucca, and Palm tree yucca. The evergreen leaves are dark green, linear, bayonet-shaped, 15–35 cm long and 7–15 mm broad at the base, tapering to a sharp point; they are borne in a dense spiral arrangement at the apex of the stems. The leaf margins are white and serrate.
Butterfly Tree
Bauhina purpurea
The Purple Orchid Tree is an exotic tropical tree that blooms over a long period of time. The beautiful & fragrant, classic, Orchid-like flowers of Bauhinia purpurea makes this small tree, native to India, a favourite of many plant lovers.
Variegated Snake Plant
Sansevieria tifasciata
 It has stiff sword-shaped leaves to 4 feet (1.3 m) long by 2.75 inches (~8 cm) wide. Leaves are banded yellow on either side with a deep green, lightly banded center. It is the leading commercial variety of Sansevieria. It is grown for the hemp-like fiber in the leaves, which is called bowstring hemp. They are an attractive plant for pot culture and are very durable to a wide range of condition.

Baby's Breath
Gypsophila elegans
Baby's Breath is a tender and a delicate plant. Baby's Breath are very easy to grow, and quick to bloom. Flowers are white, forming dense delicate clusters, petering out when temperatures regularly hit 80 degrees. These cloud-like white flowers grow about 18 inches tall and are unbeatable for cutting and adding to arrangements - but they're also very pretty for growing in among other flowers. Leaves are linear lance shaped and 2-3 inches long.

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 
About 300 species are found worldwide. Its beauty makes it one of the most widely cultivated of flowers, in brilliant huers of red, orange, or purplish-reds, with short-lived but continuing blooms. An erect, much-branched, glabrous shrub, 1 to 4 m high. Leaves: glossy green, ovate, acuminate, pointeed, coarsely-toothed, 7 to 12 cm long, alternate, stipulate.
Bougainvillae spectabilis
The bougainvillea genus can reach a height from 1 to 12 meters. They are mostly evergreen plants, but can be deciduous in dry areas. The leaves are about 4 to 12 cm long and can spread up to 2 to 6 cm. The leaves are arranged alternately on the branches. The thorns of the plant are usually found to contain a waxy substance, which is black in color.